The PhiLL(er)

Pleasure Cover
Boy Eats Drum Machine


Despite the greatness of the name Boy Eats Drum Machine, I have to let you in on a little secret that it may be a wee bit misleading. You see, on the album Pleasure the "Boys", Jonny Ragel, Peter Swenson, and Benjamin Rickard, don't simply eat a drum machine, they "eat" some of Portland's best drummers by sampling heavily from Bridgetown Breaks, a compilation of drum recordings that includes performances by Danny Seim of Menomena and Kevin O'Connor of Talkdemonic.

The use of local musicians (or at least samples of local musicians) isn't the only thing that distinguishes Boy Eats Drum Machine from other groups that associate with little electronic boxes that pump out beats; many of the tracks on Pleasure are what could easily be described as quite soulful. Yes, I realize that just because a musician uses samples, drum machines, etc. that they aren't then required to use a computer voice synthesis program, but it's summed up best on the track "The Taste Of Your Mouth" when Ragel declares "I'm just emotional".

While tracks such as "I'm an Angel Telling Lies" and "Sometimes You Wanna Go Where Nobody Knows Your Name" may highlight the emotion present in Ragel's vocals, Pleasure certainly has tracks for those that want to enjoy some great beats and get caught up in the musical layers and actually kicks off with two of them: "Pleasure Theme Song" and "Introduction B".